Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Summary of HealthWatcher coverage

HealthWatcher and its affiliated web sites are one of the world's best sources for up to date information about consumer health fraud, cancer quackery, diet scams, herbal product dangers, chiropractic problems, alternative medicine and assorted fraudulent practices. Over the years we have also tackled the tobacco industry, sunbed promoters, and other public health issues. Enjoy your visit to HealthWatcher.net and let us know if you would like us to cover additional consumer health issues.

DietFraud.com - Weight Loss - Dangerous and Unproved Supplements
If you thought that herbal medicine was completely safe because it was natural, think again. HerbalWatch.com follows the latest news and reviews of the hazards and safety of natural health products. If the FDA and the Natural Health Products Directorate seem to be not in control, find out why.
- Who would you believe, a quack with a fake diploma, or your doctor?
Which one of the following would you want to deliver your health care in Canada or any other country today?
ChiroWatch.com - What Chiropractors Don't Want You to See

  • Pediatric chiropractic promoters train each other at weekend courses at hotels, even though there is no evidence that any chiropractic treatment works for infants and/or kids.

  • Lana Dale Lewis - A woman strokes out and dies after chiropractic neck manipulation. It takes coroner's inquest nearly two years, and the family waited 7 years to finally find the real cause of her death.

  • Radiologists refuse to do chiropractic x-rays for children under 18 yrs.

  • The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College fails in their bid to become part of York University

  • Why has it taken nearly a decade to move against any chiropractors for their anti-vaccine position?
  • How much training does your chiropractic assistant have, and are they insured?
Pig Pills, Inc. EMPOWERPLUS - The true story of an academic health fraud
Would you believe the story of two Southern Alberta business people who invented a cure for all sorts of serious mental health problems. They discovered it in a pig barn. The whole story unravels as the government tries to control the situation. Aided by chiropractors, Members of Parliament, and paranoid natural health promoters, this story won't go away.

The California Court of Appeals rules that Terry Polevoy can continue with libel and defamation lawsuit against Hulda Clark, Tim Bolen, Ilena Rosenthal and others. The rights of third-party posters to repeat the defamatory writings of others on the internet will finally be settled. If Tim Bolen thinks he'll win this one he better get ready to rumble.Hulda Clark - research genius or cancer quack? Born and educated in Saskatchewan, Quebec, Minnesota, and Indiana, she holds bizarre and unsupported beliefs that many major medical conditions are caused by parasites, or flukes. She says that she can diagnose them and then cure them by using cheap electrical devices that she calls "zappers" or "syncrometers". Then add in a few herbs, remove your amalgams, and there you have it, A Cure for All Diseases. The only problem is that none of her claims are legitimate. Her naturopathic degree is mailorder, her ridiculous Tijuana clinic was closed down by Mexican authorities for cancer and alternative medical treatment. When she was arrested in 1999 for practicing medicine without a license in Indiana, she hired Tim Bolen. That was a big mistake. Patrick Timothy Bolen - publicist or a menace? He became Hulda Clark's publicist, and launched a war to destroy the reputation of anyone who spoke out against his clients.

Bolen's interview on Christine McPhee's radio program launched an intensive HealthWatcher.net investigation. Tim Bolen's rants and libelous comments were, in our opinion, used to coerce others to do his bidding. He single-handedly composed letters that were copied and forwarded to numerous government agencies, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. He and others, including Canadian health freedom activists like Helke Ferrie, Christine McPhee, Wayne Obie, Trueman Tuck, Chris Gupta, Alive Magazine editors, nutraceutical makers, and others have furthermore jumped into the fray to do battle with Dr. Polevoy. The legal battle centered in Oakland, California, may eventually end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.

The issues are basically that the people in control of the Hulda Clark "corporate image", who help to market the multi-million dollar a year collection of inventions, formulas, and books don't want to give up the fight. If they continue to sell products, books, tapes, and devices without successful intervention by the FDA, or the FTC, then perhaps it will be the courts that will end up putting them out of business.
Legal commentary on recent Appeals Court decsion -

Ilena Rosenthal posts thousands of messages each year. Hundreds of them have been about her favorite targets, Dr. Terry Polevoy and Dr. Stephan Barrett. She refuses to admit that her posts and comments are in fact defamatory. Her obsession with always having the last word in any Google Group discussion has made her the laughing stock of the internet.

  • Why does the sunbed industry escape regulation and lie about the harmful effects of artificial tanning?

  • What is your real risk for skin cancer, and other cancers if you continue to go to tanning parlors?

  • How does the industry use teenagers to addict them to tanning beds? What is "tanorexia?

  • How you can file lawsuits against the sunbed industry if you have been injured.

  • Why does the sunbed industry pay medical researchers to protect their turf?

  • Why did the governor of California become the spokesperson for the sunbed industry?

Kidz Play Thousands of children die in accidents each year in North America. What role do parents or other adults play in those tragic deaths, and what can be done to reduce those "accidents".